If you have been following this week’s series, I give you a thumbs up for that!
📍Here’s an activity that can help you reflect on your past or recent hurtful experiences.
📍Journal Activity 1.
Write 1-10 things your parent(s) or caregiver(s) did to you repeatedly as a child, which still hurts.
You can write/record your response.
📍My turn
One thing that my mother did to me, that made me feel hurt, was telling me repeatedly that I was a child of a deadbeat dad.
📍This really hurt me.
📍 In fact, in her exact words, she would say in Yoruba, “Ifun baba e lo o jaje.”
📍What she meant, was that I was everything like my father- and she never had anything good to say about him.
Your turn
Will you do this activity? Let me know in the comment section.
It’s okay if you can’t comment as well! 🤗.
If you are open to connecting, get in touch. You will find my number in the link below.
Use link here: linktree.com/idey.foryou